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R23 of 2016 – KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Transport

Proclamation Number:

R23 of 2016

Department or State institution:

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Transport

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



Any conduct by officials or agents of the Department or any other person which relates to the (a) registration or motor vehicle ownership and/or licensing details; or (b) entering of, or changes made to, or tampering with, or manipulation of data and/or information, on the eNatis system of the Department in a manner which (i) was contrary to applicable legislation, manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of or applicable to the Department; (ii) resulted or could potentially result in the circumvention of the payment of licensing fees, any penalties or any other outstanding monies to the Department; or (iii) was otherwise irregular or unlawful.