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R4 of 2018 – Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA)

Proclamation Number:

R4 of 2018

Department or State institution:

Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA)

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



1. The expenditure of Discretionary Grant funding by or on behalf of the Authority in a manner that was a) not fair, competitive, transparent, equitable or cost-effective; b) contrary to applicable i) legislation; ii) manuals, guidelines, practice notes, circulars or instructions issued by the National Treasury; or iii) manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of or applicable to the Authority, in relation to (aa) Project Number NSFSP-064; (bb) a donation made to the Food and Allied Workers Union in respect of its 2016 National Congress; (cc) projects not included in the Annual Performance Plan of the Authority for the 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 financial years; and (dd) the allocation or reallocation of surplus discretionary funds in respect of the 2015/206 financial year, and related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Authority or the State.
2. The procurement of , or contracting for training related services, audit related services and legal services by or on behalf of the Authority and payments made in relation thereto, in a manner that was (a) not fair, competitive, transparent, equitable or cost-effective; b) contrary to applicable i) legislation; ii) manuals, guidelines, practice notes, circulars or instructions issued by the National Treasury; or iii) manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of, or applicable to the Authority; and related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Authority or the State.
3. Maladministration relating to (a) bursaries granted to officials or employees of the Authority; and (b) the appointment of a firm of attorneys to represent the CEO of the Authority f=during grievance proceedings, and any losses or prejudice suffered by the Authority or the State as a result of such maladministration.
4. Any unlawful or improper conduct by board members, employees or officials of the Authority or any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in the Schedule.