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R54 of 2012 – Department of Water Affairs (formerly the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry)

Proclamation Number:

R54 of 2012

Department or State institution:

Department of Water Affairs (formerly the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry)

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



Procurement of and contracting for goods, works or services by or on behalf of the Department and related expenditure incurred in a manner that was not fair, competitive, transparent, equitable or cost-effective and which was contrary to applicable legislation or internal policies and procedures governing the Department; Maladministration in respect of the affairs of the Department and any losses or prejudice suffered by the Department as a result of such maladministration by its officials or employees (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Department’s personnel””) or its agents in relation to (a) variation orders being granted that exceeded the allowable percentage of the original contract price in respect of (i)   the Forest Fire Association (WP9191); (ii) Syringa Bioscience (Pty) Ltd (WP9341); (iii) Buca Management and Projects; and (iv) Brainwave CC projects; (b) the appointment of 86 contract labourers (which followed the dismissal of the originally appointed 104 contract labourers) in respect of the Expanded Public Works Programme, which included the construction of infrastructure in the Province of Mpumalanga; (c) the involvement of the Department in (i) the Sundays River Municipality Regional Bulk Water Scheme; and (ii) the Patterson Bulk Water Supply Project; (d) the lease by the Department of the Continental Building in Pretoria; (e) payments made to TWM Projects (Pty) Ltd; and (f) conflicting interests of the Department’s personnel or agents in entities contracting with the Department, Including the causes of such maladministration. Any undisclosed or unauthorised interests the Department’s personnel may have had with regard to (a) contractors, suppliers or service providers who bid for work or did business with the Department; or (b) contracts awarded by or on behalf of the Department.