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R9 of 2017 – KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Mjindi Farming

Proclamation Number:

R9 of 2017

Department or State institution:

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Mjindi Farming

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



1. The procurement of, and contracting for fertilizer, seeds or seed potatoes or goods, works or service relating to events or event management by or on behalf of the Department and payments made in respect thereof.

2. The procurement of and contracting for agricultural equipment by or on behalf of the institutions and payments made in respect thereof.

3. Any undisclosed or unauthorised interests the board members, directors, officials or employees of the Institutions or any of their family members that may have had with contractors, suppliers or service providers in contracts
awarded by or on behalf of the institutions with regard to fertilizer, seeds, seed potatoes, agricultural equipment, agricultural input, food production packs, events or event management.

4. Fraud, corruption, irregularities, malpractices, maladministration in the affairs of the institutions relating to the matters in the schedule including the causes of such fraud, corruption, irregularities, malpractices, maladministration
and any losses, damages or actual or potential prejudice which the institutions or the State may have suffered