Proclamation Number | Department/ State Institution | Scope | Type of Report | Date Report Submitted | |
1 | R7 of 2007 R35 of 2010 R15 of 2012 | NDHS | Loss of State funds that were allocated to low-cost housing schemes as a result of: 1. financial mismanagement and misappropriation; 2. fraudulent applications for housing benefits; 3. payments of fraudulent claims in respect of work done, services rendered, or material supplied; 4. utilization of defective materials in the construction of houses or professional services not rendered or materials not supplied. Mismanagement and misuse of the State’s low-cost housing scheme in that: 5. sites and/or constructed house were allocated to non-qualifying persons; 6. officials and municipal councillors profited from development contracts awarded; 7. development contracts were awarded contrary to prescribed tender processes; 8. the National Housing Manual, National Housing Code and applicable laws governing the State’s low-cost housing scheme were not complied with, inadequately planned and insufficiently supervised. | Final | 28/06/2023 |
2 | R4 of 2019 | Umgeni Water | 1. The procurement of, or contracting, including subcontracting, for goods, works or services by or on behalf of Umgeni and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by Umgeni or the State or any resulting losses suffered by Umgeni or the State in related to the aa) Contract Participation Goal Programme of Umgeni (CPGPU); bb) provisioning or upgrading of emergency boreholes in the uMkhanyakude District; cc) repair or refurbishment of the Nagle Aqueducts; dd) replacement of filter slabs, pipelines and nozzles in terms of the CPGPU; ee) provisioning or upgrading of chlorine distribution equipment, the distribution of chlorine and the upgrading of shaft pumps and lifts at the Durban Heights Plant; ff ) provisioning of emergency pipelines in the area of the Ugu District Municipality; gg) purchase and installation of control valves in terms of the CPGPU; and hh) installation of Nungwane pipelines in the area of Amanzimtoti. 2. Maladministration in respect of the implementation of the CPGPU and any losses, damage or actual or potential prejudice suffered by Umgeni, or the State, including the causes of such maladministration. 3. Any unlawful or improper conduct by a) board members, officials or employees of Umgeni; b) contractors, supplier or service provider of Umgeni or their subcontractors; or c) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in para 1 and 2 of this Schedule. | Final | 28/06/2023 |
3 | R7 of 2014 R599 of 2015 R32 of 2017 | Deeds Office | Any reference to (a) “contracting” includes but is not limited to, any negotiation processes involving a contract, the conclusion and signing of a contract and any novation, renewal, extension or amendment of the contract; (b) “the ICT systems/projects” means (i) the e-Cadastre project and the e-Cadastre system for the DRDLR; (ii) the Deeds Registries System for the DRDLR; (iii) the Enterprise Architecture product for the DRDLR; (iv) the Regularity Impact Assessment for the DRDLR; (v) a BPR project for the DRDLR; and (vi) the back scanning of records of the DRDLR into microfilm images for the DRDLR database individually or collectively, as the context may require or as may be applicable; (c) “the institutions” means the DRDLR and the SITA, individually or collectively, as the context may required or as may be applicable; and (d) “the institutions’ suppliers and service providers” includes any consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers or service providers of the institutions. 1. Theft, fraud, corruption or maladministration in the affairs of the DRDLR in relation to the lodging and processing of deeds on the Deeds Registration System of the Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Vryburg and Bloemfontein Deeds Registries or in the processes of requesting for or the giving-out of deeds information, in a manner that was contrary to applicable (a) legislation; or (b) manuals, guidelines, policies, procedures, practice notes, instructions, prescripts or practices of or applicable to the DRDLR including the causes of such fraud, corruption or maladministration and any loss, damage or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the DRDLR or the State. 2. The procurement of and contracting for the ICT systems/projects or any goods, works or services in respect of the ICT systems/projects by or on behalf of the Institutions and payments made in relation thereto, in a manner that was (a) not fair, equitable, transparent, competitive or cost-effective; or (b) contrary to applicable (i) legislation; (ii) manuals, guidelines, practice notes or instructions issued by the National Treasury or the applicable Provincial Treasuries; or (iii) manuals, guidelines, codes, policies, procedures, instructions or practices of, or applicable to the Institutions; 3. Losses or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the Institutions as a result of the mismanagement of the assets, finances or other resources in respect of the ICT systems/projects, including any (a) overspending, mismanagement, misspending or misappropriation of funds; (b) payments which were made to agents of the Institutions or the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers (i) prematurely; (ii) despite non-performance, uncertified, incomplete or poor quality performance or defective performance; (iii) despite late performance; or (iv) in excess of amounts agreed or tendered or at rates disproportionate to the value, nature or scope of goods, works or services supplied or rendered; (c) payments made for goods not supplied or works or services not rendered; or (d) duplication of payments. 4. Losses or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the Institutions as a result of unlawful conduct or irregular practices of the personnel or agents of the Institutions, the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers or third parties in respect of the ICT systems/projects, including any premature, false or inflated claims for payment. 5. The incurrence of unauthorised expenditure, irregular expenditure, fruitless and wasteful expenditure or expenditure not due, owing and payable, as a result of payments which were made by the institutions to the agents of the Institutions, the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers or third parties for or in respect of the ICT systems/projects. 6. Fraud, corruption or maladministration regarding the affairs of the Institutions in respect of the ICT systems/projects in respect of (a) budget preparations, the allocation, implementation or use of the applicable budgets or budget items, including but not limited to any overspending or misappropriation of the applicable budgets or budgeted items; (b) supply chain management policies; (c) procurement processes; (d) contract management, including but not limited to (i) contracting for the ICT systems/projects or any goods, works or services in respect of the ICT systems/projects; (ii) the monitoring, management or verification of goods delivery, services rendered or works performed or any failure in this regard; (ii) the monitoring, management or verification of the quality and /or quantity of goods delivered, services rendered or works performed or any failure in this regard; (iv) any breach of contract, late performance, enforcement of contracts or cancellation of contracts; or (e) logistics management, including the causes of such fraud, corruption or maladministration and any loss, damage or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the Institutions or the State. 7. The failure of the Institutions to (a) recover premature or excessive payments made to agents of the Institutions or the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers; or (b) collect monies due, owing and payable to the Institutions, for or in respect of the ICT systems/projects. 8. Unlawful or irregular conduct by agents of the Institutions, the Institutions’ personnel, suppliers and service providers or third parties relating to any one or more of the allegations set out above, and any loss, damage or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the State or Institutions as a result thereof. | Final | 22/09/2023 |
4 | R7 of 2020 | Masters’ Offices | 1. Maladministration in connection with the affairs of the Masters’ offices, in relation to the following functions of the Masters’ offices as set out in the Administration of Estates Act, No 66 of 1965, the Insolvency Act, No 24 of 1936 and the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008: a) The administration of estates of deceased persons; b) The winding up of estates of insolvent persons; c) The protection and administration of the funds of minors, contractually incapacitated and undetermined and absent heirs, which have been paid into the Guardian’s Fund; d) The supervision of the administration of companies and close corporations in liquidation; e) The safeguarding of all documentary material in respect of estates, insolvencies and liquidations; f ) The processing of enquiries by executors, attorneys, beneficiaries and other interested parties; and g) The appointment of executors, trustees, curators and liquidators. 2. Any losses or prejudice suffered by the Masters’ offices or the State as a result of such maladministration. 3. The incurring of unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure in respect of travel, subsistence and accommodation costs for officials who perform work at Masters’ offices other than the office at which they are or were appointed in terms of their employment contract. 4. The appointment of officials or employees at the Masters’ offices in a manner that was contrary to applicable a) legislation; b) manuals, guidelines, practice notes, circulars or instructions issued by the National Treasury; or c) manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of, or, applicable to the Masters’ offices. 5. Interference by certain senior officials of the Masters’ offices in pending disciplinary proceedings against officials or employees of the Masters’ offices or the failure of certain senior officials in the Masters’ offices to institute well-founded disciplinary or other appropriate proceedings against such officials or employees. 6. The procurement of, or contracting for cleaning services by or on behalf of the Masters’ offices and payments made in respect thereof and any related losses or irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Masters’ offices as a result thereof. 7. The remuneration of fictitious officials or employees at the Masters’ offices. 8. Any irregular, improper or unlawful conduct by a) employees or officials of the Masters’ offices; or b) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraphs 1 to 7 of this Schedule. | Final | 22/09/2023 |
5 | R27 of 2020 | Maluti-a-Phofung | 1. The procurement of, or contracting for services by or on behalf of the Municipality and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Municipality in respect of the following bids aa) SCM/BID27/2014/15 for events management services; and bb) SCM/BID42/2016/17 for the compilation of a Register of Indigents. 2. Maladministration in connection with the affairs of the Municipality in respect of the incurrence by the Municipality of fruitless and wasteful expenditure during the periods 2012 to 2014 and 2016 to 2017. 3. Any unlawful or improper conduct by a) officials or employees of the Municipality; b) the applicable service providers of the Municipality; or c) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule. | Final | 22/09/2023 |
6 | R29 of 2019 | CMS | 1. Maladministration in connection with the affairs of the Council in relation to regulatory interventions which were conducted by the Council in terms of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No 131 of 1998), including the causes of such maladministration. 2. Any irregular, improper or unlawful conduct by a) the employees or officials of the Council; or b) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 above. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
7 | R41 of 2019 | DoDMV | 1. The procurement of or contracting for Microsoft software licences by or on behalf of the Department and payments which were made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department or the State. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by the employees or officials of the Dept or applicable service providers, or any other person or entity in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 above | Final | 07/12/2023 |
8 | R51 of 2019 | PRASA | 1. The procurement of or contracting for a) security services; b) general overhaul and upgrade services; c) works or services in respect of systems overhauling, repair of rails and infrastructure, or maintenance through the implementation of the Supplier Development Programme; d) an advanced early detection cable theft solution in the Bonteheuwel- Phillipi Corridor in the WC; e) travel management services; f ) supply of mobile transporters; and g) forensic services, by or on behalf of PRASA and payments which were made in respect thereof and any related or unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by PRASA or the State. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by the employees or officials of PRASA or the applicable service providers, or any other person or entity in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 above. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
9 | R7 of 2021 | GEP | 1. The procurement of, or contracting for goods, works or services by or on behalf of the Agency and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Agency, or the State or losses suffered in relation to aa) Tender number GEP02/MRK – Township Entrepreneur Awards during 2017; and bb) Project Management Services for the Pitching Booster initiative in Sedibeng during 2018. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by a) officials or employees of the Agency; b) suppliers or service providers of the Agency; or c) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
10 | R15 of 2021 | GDARD and Ekurhuleni | 1. The procurement of or contracting for the supply of 200 portable three-wheel motorised waste collection vehicles by or on behalf of the Institutions in relation to tender number GT/GDARD/030/2017 and payments made in respect thereof and any related losses or irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Institutions or losses suffered by the Institutions or the State. 2. Any irregular, improper or unlawful conduct by a) contractors, employees or officials of the Institutions; or b) the suppliers, service providers or any other person or entity, relating to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
11 | R71 of 2022 | ECPDoH | 1. The procurement of or contracting for health care risk waste management services by, or on behalf of, the Department in terms of bid number SCMU3-18/19-1461-HO and payments which were made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department or the State. 2. Any irregular, improper or unlawful conduct by a) employees or officials of the Department or b) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations referred to in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
12 | R72 of 2022 | Midvaal | 1. The procurement of or contracting for the rental of a vehicle tracking system, including the installation, monitoring and maintenance of a web based live tracking system by or on behalf of the Municipality in terms of Tender Number 8/2/2/307 payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular, or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Municipality or the State. 2. Any improper or unlawful conduct by the officials or employees of the municipality or service provider in question, or any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations referred to in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
13 | R75 of 2022 | Newcastle | 1. The procurement of or contracting for goods, works or services by or on behalf of the Municipality and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Municipality in relation to aa) The refurbishment of DN 700 PC Pipelines and 4No Cross Connections to Parallel DN 600 Steel Pipeline; bb) Bid numbers B002-2018/19; B012-2018/19; B015-2018/19; B018-2018/19; B007-2018/19; B013-2018/19 and B010-2018/19; cc) A Professional service provider for assistance with Revenue Management and SCM Solutions (System) for the period of 3 financial years on or about 26 April 2019; dd) Supply and delivery of batteries and battery chargers on or about 31 August 2018; and ee) Bid number A015-2019-2020 for the construction of a 2km, 160mm diameter upvc pipeline connection to Soul City. L2132. 2. Maladministration in the affairs of the Municipality in relation to: a) contracts awarded to persons in the Service of the State, contrary to the provisions of Regulation 44 of the Municipal SCM Regulations dated 30 May 2005; b) payments made to fictitious employees; c) Fruitless and wasteful expenditure as a result of late payments to Eskom; d) fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred as a result of late VAT and PAYE payments to SARS; e) Salary payments made to former employees after they had left the employ of the Municipality, including the causes of such maladministration. 3. Any irregular, improper or unlawful conduct by a) employees or officials of the municipality b) applicable suppliers or service providers; or c) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule. | Final | 07/12/2023 |
14 | R76 of 2022 | KZNDoT | 1. Serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of the Department, including the causes of such maladministration, which has led to the Department incurring irregular expenditure and fruitless and wasteful expenditure, as identified by the AGSA in a) the AGSA Final Management Report dated 31 March 2019; and b) the AGSA Final Management report dated 31 March 2021. 2. The procurement of and contracting for a fibre data link to the Department’s IT server room at Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department. 3. Any unlawful or irregular conduct by a) employees of the Department or b) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule. | Interim | 07/12/2023 |
15 | R77 of 2022 | SACE | 1. The procurement for and acquisition of the commercial property described as Erf 638, situated at 33 Beacon Bay Drive, East London, by the SACE and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the SACE or the State. 2. Any improper or unlawful conduct by the officials or employees of the SACE or any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Interim | 07/12/2023 |
16 | R18 of 2019 | NHLS | 1. The procurement of or contracting of goods, works or services by or on behalf of the NHLS and payments which were made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the NHLS or the State in relation to aa) the provision of end user computer hardware and related maintenance and support services for a period of 3 years in terms of Tender RFB 027/15-16; bb) the provision of multi-protocol label switching wide area network (MPLS WAN) service to the NHLS for a period of 3 years in terms of Tender RFB 030/15-16; cc) the leasing of motor vehicles for the NHLS for a period of 5 years in terms of Tender RFP 001/15-16; dd) the replacement of water, sewer and drainage pipes in terms of Tender RFP1455602; ee) the renovation of the library at the National Institute of Occupational Health in Braamfontein in terms of Tender RFQ 1438906; ff ) the renovation of the virology laboratory at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital in terms of Tender RFQ 1481824; gg) the renovation of toilets at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in terms of Tender RFQ 0695750; hh) professional services for the construction of a refectory at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in terms of Tender RFQ 1409815; ii) professional services for the design, project management and the certification of renovations and structural changes to the Ermelo Laboratory in terms of Tender RFQ 706002; jj) the replacement of the waterproofing at the Centre for Enteric Diseases in terms of Tender RFQ 0961241; kk) the renovation of the Centre for Respiratory Diseases and Meningitis in terms of Tender RFQ 1486702; ll) professional services for the design, project management and the certification of renovations and structural changes to the Diagnostic Media Products Building in terms of Tender RFQ 1351823; and mm) the construction of a kitchen and function area in terms of Tender RFB031/16-17, which was re-advertised as Tender RFB062/15-16. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by the employees or officials of the NHLS or applicable service providers, or any other person or entity in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Final | 09/02/2024 |
17 | R88 of 2022 | NSFAS | 1. Maladministration in the affairs of the NSFAS in relation to a) management of the finances of the NSFAS; and b) the allocation of loans, bursaries and any other funding payable to students in terms of the provisions of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act, 1999, Act No 56 of 1999, and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the NSFAS or the State including the causes of such maladministration. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by employees or officials of the NSFAS or the service providers in question, their employees or any other person or entity, relating to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Interim | 09/02/2024 |
18 | R11 of 2018 | Transnet | 1. The appointment of McKinsey, Trillian and Regiment Capital to render services to Eskom and Transnet and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by Eskom, Transnet or the State. 2. The contracting for or procurement of goods and services by Transnet and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by Eskom, Transnet or the State. 3. Any undisclosed or unauthorised interests which employees, officials or agents of Transnet may have had in contractors, suppliers or service providers bidding for work or doing business with Eskom or to whom contracts were awarded by Eskom and the extent of any actual or potential benefits derived directly or indirectly by such employees, officials or agents from such undisclosed or unauthorised interests. 4. Any unlawful or improper conduct by any person or entity, in relation to the allegations in the Schedule. | Interim | 25/03/2024 |
19 | R16 of 2018 R25 of 2018 | MICT SETA | 1. Maladministration in the affairs of the MICT SETA in relation to the allocation of discretionary grant funding to Lylacorp (Pty) Ltd, Network Infraco (Pty) Ltd, Bandwith Technologies, Inforcomm (Pty) Ltd, Hallmark Technologies CC, SPL Communications CC, Centretech Broadcasting CC, Northern Lights Trading, Nashua (Pty) Ltd and Broadband College of Technology and any losses or prejudice suffered by the MICT SETA or the State as a result of such maladministration. 2. Any undisclosed or unauthorised interests which officials or employees of the MICT SETA may have had in the companies in paragraph 1 and the extent of any benefit so derived by such officials or employees of the MICT SETA. 3. Any unlawful or irregular conduct by (a) officials or employees of the MICT SETA; or (b) any other person or entity, relating to the allegations referred to in the Schedule. | Final | 25/03/2024 |
20 | R28 of 2018 R5 of 2019 | Ekurhuleni | 1. The procurement of, or contracting for, goods or services by or on behalf of the Municipality and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Municipality or the State in relation to aa) Contract No PT 01-2014 (Construction of a new Vosloorus Hospital Public Transport Facility), or any other contract or the appointment of the same or any other contractor or service provider, to complete or to render the remaining services in order to complete the project; and bb) Contract No. PT 03-2015 (Construction of the Bluegum View Public Transport Facility) or any other contract or the appointment of the same or any other contractor or service provider, to complete or to render the remaining services in order to complete the project. 2. Any improper or unlawful conduct by the councillors, officials or employees of the Municipality or the contractors or any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in para 1 above, including the causes of such improper or unlawful conduct and any losses, damage or actual or potential prejudice suffered by the Municipality or the State. | Final | 25/03/2024 |
21 | R26 of 2019 | DOJ & ID | 1. Maladministration and/or irregular, improper or unlawful conduct in connection with the affairs of the Department or the IDT in relation to a) the construction of the Limpopo High Court, Mpumalanga High Court, the Plettenberg Bay Magistrate’s Court, the Booysens Magistrate’s Court, the Richards Bay Magistrate’s Court, the Goodwood Magistrate’s Court, the Simunye Magistrate’s Court and the Tsineng Periodical Court; b) the acquisition of land for the Mpumalanga High Court; c) the number of court rooms which were built during the construction of the Plettenberg Bay Magistrate’s Court; d) the procurement and provision of i) court room furniture; or ii) goods or services; or e) contract and performance management, including any failure to act or to act timeously against any professional consultants, agents, contractors, suppliers or service providers for any non-performance, poor performance, defective performance or late performance in respect of goods, works or services delivered, performed or rendered in terms of para a), b), or c). in terms of the “Construction of New Courts Programme” of the Department and any related, unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure which the Department or the State incurred or may incur as a result thereof, including the causes of such i) maladministration and/or irregular, improper or unalwful conduct; and ii) unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure. 2. Any non-performance, poor performance, defective performance or late performance by the IDT, or professional consultants, agents, contracts, suppliers or service providers appointed by the IDT, in respect of goods, works or services delivered, performed or rendered in terms of paragraph 1a,b,c or d above and any losses or damages which the Department or the State suffered or may suffer as a result thereof. 3. The acquisition of land for the Mpumalanga High Court and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure which the Department or the State incurred as a result thereof. 4. Any unlawful, improper or irregular conduct by a) the Department, the IDT, their officials, employees or agents or any other person relating to the allegations set out in paragraphs 1-3 above; or b) the contractors, suppliers or service providers, their directors, employees, contractors, sub-contractors or agents appointed by the IDT relating to the allegations set out in paragraph 2 above. | Final | 25/03/2024 |
22 | R32 of 2020 | NLC | 1. Maladministration in the affairs of the NLC in relation to the a) investment of funds in the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, established in terms of section 21 of the Lotteries Act, 1997 (Act No. 57 of 1997), contrary to the provisions of the said Act; and b) allocation of money in the Fund referred to in paragraph (a) to beneficiaries who were not entitled thereto in terms of the Lotteries Act, 1997, including the causes of such maladministration. 2. Any improper or unlawful conduct by the officials or employees of the NLC, or any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule, including the causes of such improper or unlawful conduct and any losses, damage or actual or potential prejudice suffered by the NLC or the State. | Interim | 25/03/2024 |
23 | R33 of 2021 | NDWAS | 1. The procurement of, and contracting and implementation of Information Technology in respect of contract numbers – a) WP 05538; b) 1/2/4/233/2014/15 FINANCE/MANAHANO; C) 1/2/4/36/2016/17 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT/MIHLOTI, by the Department and any related losses or irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by a) officials or employees of the Department; b) directors, employees or agents of applicable service providers; or c) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Final | 25/03/2024 |
24 | R180 of 2021 | Mogalakwena | 1. The procurement of, or contracting for goods, works or services by or on behalf of the Municipality and payments made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the State or the Municipality in relation to aa) Tender number 04-2017/2018 (Bulk Masterplan: Phase 2A bulk water supply zone 1-WF2A and WF8 infrastructure (boreholes and pipelines; bb) Tender number 05-2017/2018 (Bulk Masterplan: Phase 2A bulk water supply zone 1-Gravity bulk connection to reservoirs); cc) Tender number 06-2017/2018 (Bulk Masterplan: Phase 2A bulk water supply zone 1-WF2 raising mains, storage and bulk supply); dd) Tender number 25-2016/2017 (Construction of VIP toilets); ee) Waste removal and collection services; ff) landfill services and the hiring of equipment; gg) bush clearing and grass cutting services; and hh) legal services. 2. The recruitment, selection and appointment of personnel of the Municipality a) in a manner that was contrary to i) applicable legislation; ii) policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of, or applicable to, the Municipality; or iii) the applicable post structures, minimum post requirements and remuneration structures; and b) for positions that they are not qualified for. 3. Any unlawful or improper conduct by a) officials or employees of the Municipality; b) contractors, suppliers or service providers of the Municipality; or c) any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule. | Final | 25/03/2024 |
25 | R50 of 2022 | MPUDoH | 1. The procurement of or contracting for a) ICT infrastructure required to operationalise the Bethal Hospital; b) the installation and commissioning of an ICT network for the Middelburg Hospital; c) a fleet management solution for the Department; d) a citizen engagement platform for the Department; e) the connection of community health centres and clinics to a virtual private network; and f ) the digitisation of queue management processes at Themba Hospital, by or on behalf of the Department, and payments which were made in respect thereof and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department or the State. 2. Any unlawful or improper conduct by the employees or officials of the Department or applicable service providers, or any other person or entity, in relation to the allegations referred to in paragraph 1 of this Schedule. | Interim | 25/03/2024 |
26 | R74 of 2022 | KZNDoH | 1. The unlawful or improper conduct by claimants or applicants or their agents in the institution of civil action or civil application proceedings for relief against the Institutions in respect of medical negligence claims in a manner that was a) fraudulent; or b) conducted by or facilitated through the improper or unlawful conduct of i) employees or officials of the Institutions; or ii) any other person or entity, to corruptly or unduly benefit themselves or any other person, and any related losses or irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Institutions or the State as a result thereof. | Interim | 25/03/2024 |
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