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R17 of 2016 – Eastern Cape Department of Education

Proclamation Number:

R17 of 2016

Department or State institution:

Eastern Cape Department of Education

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



The procurement of goods and services from Siegesmund Trust by or on behalf of the Department and payments made in respect thereof in a manner that was (a) not fair, competitive, transparent, equitable or cost-effective; (b) contrary to applicable (i) legislation; (ii) manuals, guidelines, practice notes or instructions issued by the National Treasury or the applicable Provincial Treasury; or (iii) manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of or applicable to the Department; or (c) conducted or facilitated by or through the unlawful, irregular or improper intervention of officials or employees of the Department, and any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department.
Period of investigation: 1 January 2014 to date of proclamation. The procurement of goods and services by or on behalf of the Department from Berlut Books CC; Bright Future Marketing CC; Cambridge University Press; Clever Child; Clever Kids Educational Tools; Creative Learning Publishers; Depicta Education Aids; Educanda CC; Educational Improvement and Study Help CC; First League Trading; Global MBD Publishing; Grow Learning Company; Illima Publishers CC; Inclusive Solutions CC; Lasec SA; Lectio Publishers; Macmillan SA; Maths Centre Incorporating Science; Missing Link Education CC; Modlin E-Learning Solutions; Mongile Suppliers CC; Mpower Learning and Development; Nutrend Publishers CC; Oxford University Press SA; Pearson Holdings SA; Pulse Educational Services CC; Reading Matters; RIC Publications CC; Shuter & Shooter Publishers; Somerset Educational; Tower City Trading 323 CC; Via Afrika Publishers and Booksellers; Via Afrika Future; Via Afrika Stimela and Vivlia Publishers and Booksellers and payments made in respect thereof.