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R17 of 2017 – Department of Social Development of the Eastern Cape Province

Proclamation Number:

R17 of 2017

Department or State institution:

Department of Social Development of the Eastern Cape Province

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



1. The procurement of, and contracting for goods, works or services by or behalf of the Department and payments which were made in respect thereof and any unrelated unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Department or the State in relation to the awarding of contracts, the renewal of contracts or the extension of contracts for the (aa) provision or management of residential care facilities in the Nelson Mandela Metro for 240 frail, aged or mentally or physically disabled persons; and (bb) the provision of internal audit services.
2. Maladministration in the affairs of the Department and any losses or prejudice suffered by the Department or the State as a result of such maladministration in relation to (aa) and (bb) above.
3. Any unlawful or improper conduct by officials or employees of the Department or the applicable contractors, suppliers or service providers or any other person or entity in relation to the allegations set out.