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R19 of 2017 – Alfred Nzo District Municipality

Proclamation Number:

R19 of 2017

Department or State institution:

Alfred Nzo District Municipality

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



The procurement of, and contracting for goods, works or services by or behalf of the Municipality and payments made in respect thereof and any unrelated unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the Municipality in respect of (aa) the supply, delivery, installation or commissioning of water storage facilities or tanks or contract number ANDM/IDMSWSP/ 05/20/03; (bb) the Matatiele Ward 7 Water Supply Project or Tender Number ANDM/IDMSPMU/ 300/25/03/14; AND (cc) a revenue and billing management solution or Tender Number ANDM/ IDMS-WSP/165/19/11/14.

Maladministration in the affairs of the Municipality in any losses or prejudice suffered by the Municipality as a result of such maladministration in relation to (aa) to (cc) above and payments made in respect thereof, including the causes of such maladministration and related unauthorized, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred.

Any unlawful or irregular conduct by councilors, officials or employees of the Municipality or the applicable contractors, suppliers or service providers or any other person or entity in relation to any allegations set out in the schedule.