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R7 of 2014 – DRDLR and the SITA (Gijima)

Proclamation Number:

R7 of 2014

Department or State institution:

DRDLR and the SITA (Gijima)

Type of Report:


Date Report Submitted:



Any reference to (a) “”contracting”” includes but is not limited to, any negotiation processes involving a contract, the conclusion and signing of a contract and any novation, renewal, extension or amendment of the contract; (b) “”the ICT systems/projects”” means (i) the e-Cadastre project and the e-Cadastre system for the DRDLR; (ii) the Deeds Registries System for the DRDLR; (iii) the Enterprise Architecture product for the DRDLR; (iv) the Regularity Impact Assessment for the DRDLR; (v) a BPR project for the DRDLR; and (vi) the back scanning of records of the DRDLR into microfilm images for the DRDLR database individually or collectively, as the context may require or as may be applicable; ( c) “”the institutions”” means the DRDLR and the SITA, individually or collectively, as the context may required or as may be applicable; and (d) “”the institutions’ suppliers and service providers”” includes any consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers or service providers of the institutions. Theft, fraud, corruption or maladministration in the affairs of the DRDLR in relation to the lodging and processing of deeds on the Deeds Registration System of the Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Vryburg and Bloemfontein Deeds Registries or in the processes of requesting for or the giving-out of deeds information, in a manner that was contrary to applicable (a) legislation; or (b) manuals, guidelines, policies, procedures, practice notes, instructions, prescripts or practices of or applicable to the DRDLR including the causes of such fraud, corruption or maladministration and any loss, damage or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the DRDLR or the State. The procurement of and contracting for the ICT systems/projects or any goods, works or services in respect of the ICT systems/projects by or on behalf of the Institutions and payments made in relation thereto, in a manner that was (a) not fair, equitable, transparent, competitive or cost-effective; or (b) contrary to applicable (i) legislation; (ii) manuals, guidelines, practice notes or instructions issued by the National Treasury or the applicable Provincial Treasuries; or (iii) manuals, guidelines, codes, policies, procedures, instructions or practices of, or applicable to the Institutions; Losses or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the Institutions as a result of the mismanagement of the assets, finances or other resources in respect of the ICT systems/projects, including any (a) overspending, mismanagement, misspending or misappropriation of funds; (b) payments which were made to agents of the Institutions or the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers (i) prematurely; (ii) despite non-performance, uncertified, incomplete or poor quality performance or defective performance; (iii) despite late performance; or (iv) in excess of amounts agreed or tendered or at rates disproportionate to the value, nature or scope of goods, works or services supplied or rendered; ( c) payments made for goods not supplied or works or services not rendered; or (d) duplication of payments.
Losses or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the Institutions as a result of unlawful conduct or irregular practices of the personnel or agents of the Institutions, the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers or third parties in respect of the ICT systems/projects, including any premature, false or inflated claims for payment. The incurrence of unauthorised expenditure, irregular expenditure, fruitless and wasteful expenditure or expenditure not due, owing and payable, as a result of payments which were made by the Institutions to the agents of the Institutions, the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers or third parties for or in respect of the ICT systems/projects. Fraud, corruption or maladministration regarding the affairs of the Institutions in respect of the ICT systems/projects in respect of (a) budget preparations, the allocation, implementation or use of the applicable budgets or budget items, including but not limited to any overspending or misappropriation of the applicable budgets or budgeted items; (b) supply chain management policies; ( c) procurement processes; (d) contract management, including but not limited to (i) contracting for the ICT systems/projects or any goods, works or services in respect of the ICT systems/projects; (ii) the monitoring, management or verification of goods delivery, services rendered or works performed or any failure in this regard; (ii) the monitoring, management or verification of the quality and /or quantity of goods delivered, services rendered or works performed or any failure in this regard; (iv) any breach of contract, late performance, enforcement of contracts or cancellation of contracts; or (e) logistics management, including the causes of such fraud, corruption or maladministration and any loss, damage or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the Institutions or the State. The failure of the Institutions to (a) recover premature or excessive payments made to agents of the Institutions or the Institutions’ suppliers and service providers; or (b) collect monies due, owing and payable to the Institutions, for or in respect of the ICT systems/projects. Unlawful or irregular conduct by agents of the Institutions, the Institutions’ personnel, suppliers and service providers or third parties relating to any one or more of the allegations set out above, and any loss, damage or prejudice actually or potentially suffered by the State or Institutions as a result thereof.